Contactless Payment (Look, No Hands!)

Bring on the flying cars and space food, the longer term is here now… Contactless payment together with your debit card will probably affect the way we pay, in very technological advancement to succeed in an element with (or exceed) the convenience of online retail.

Debit cards are becoming four times as popular as charge cards since 1999, and secure electronic payment such as PayPal, Verified by Visa as well as the other array of channels online are getting to be second nature to us. E-commerce (and very soon, m-commerce) is overtaking traditional retail as the way of choice for researching and getting goods, because of its ease and convenience. Regular, real-life stores, therefore, are reassessing their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) ways to compete. Multi-channel integration is now essential in retail, and stores can also be trying to technology to improve the usability with their interactions waiting for you, by …