How To Shop In San Francisco

You may not live in San Francisco, but you can still enjoy its many attractions. One of the best ways to do that is by shopping at a variety of stores and boutiques. From Union Square to Valencia Street, this guide will help you find the perfect souvenir or gift for yourself or someone you love.

Union Square

Union Square is the heart of San Francisco. It’s home to many shops and restaurants, as well as popular spots for tourists to visit. Union Square is also known for its street performers, who perform every day in front of Macy’s department store.

Fillmore Street

Fillmore Street is one of the best places to shop in San Francisco. The street is named after the former President Millard Fillmore, whose name sounds like it could belong to a high school bully or an eggplant emoji. But don’t let your preconceived notions about Fillmore’s …